Tuesday 15 June 2010

Riquelme, now there is a West Ham Player...........

Ok , its silly season but my heart tells me their may just be a shred of truth in this especially if the comments attributed to his agent , good Old , Bazzer McIntosh, that great Argentinian agent,who talks of his clients desire to play in the same starting XI as Johnny Spector.Ok well not quite but he has to come up with something other than the boat loads of cash we are probably throwing in his direction.

Would be an inspired signing and the type of marque signing I would rathe rhave than Henry, Pires(cant belieive Ive said that) or RVN.

Come on Dave's snap him up.

Saturday 22 May 2010


I started supporting West Ham as a boy watching my french hero Samassi Abou play at the Boleyn


Little Dave is now mouthing off about bringing the ageing Henry to the Club.Yes Terry Henry who has won almost every honour in the game and who has been eyeing a move to the footballing backwater of Super Johnnys homeland to see out his retirement. So what would be his motivation to play for us? His daughter lives in london and its quite near his french spiritual home or the fact that he supported West Ham as a boy and has always wanted to wear the Claret and Blue shirt.

I dont want the ageing old Superstars like this who have limited motivation to perform.Havent we been bitten enough by these... Llungberg ,Suker and Wright spring to mind.None of these showed anything for us apart from the odd moment.We need to go for the players looking to step up and who see West Ham as their chance to make a name.Whether he sees this marquee signing as being the one to set the tillrolls into overdrive I dont know but he's got it wrong for me and is insulting our intelligence.

Cant you just let a Manager manage Little Dave and how does this fit into your 10 point plan , of hungry players and reducing the debt when we are talking 75k a week.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Spector.... He says YES!

Breaking News on Sky Sports that USA "utility" player Jonny Spector is Keen to extend his stay at the Boleyn is greeted with signs of relief and pure emotion as Crowds gathered at the Ground

Seriously Jon,how deluded are you mate. Why on earth would the club want to retain your services.

Answers on a postcard

Tuesday 18 May 2010


Mido confirms himself as One of the Clubs hungry New players under the 2 Dave's 10 point Plan, as he tucks into his Chadwell Heath breakfast

So the Dave's have announced a 10 Point plan as follows

Appoint the right manager -so that must definately rule out BFS.On the Official site it critically says this manager must have the necessary experience to deliver good football, so it is hard to argue how Allardyce could possibly fit this criteria.Having watched his teams destroy the art of football over the years ,I struggle to see how anyone could argue that he produces teams who play "good football" with his Long ball bastardisation of our great game. He would seriously challenge my Love for the club if he were to take charge and I dont believe I am alone on that front.

Sign new players who are hungry so that must definately rule out an ageing last pay day player like Sidney Gouvou.Good job they didnt announce this before signing McCarthy and Mido as we could only had taken this literally as these two fat boys tucked in at Chadwell Heath canteen to cakes and pies cos they certainly werent hungry toimprove our squad with footballing ability.Infact both were a disgrace to the cause.

More investment in the Academy -sounds good and is essential.

Continue to clear the debt -again an essential prerequisite

Freeze season ticket prices for renewals -after this season rightly so

Build the status and image of the club -oh good , so no more outrageous media comments Mr Sullivan or shabby treatment of sacked managers

Make it enjoyable to come to watch matches -not interested in half time shoot outs , although dont mind the Hammerettes but lets focus on entertainement coming principally from the team for a change

Get closer to the local community-makes sense

Go for the Olympic Stadium -makes sense

Listen to supporters -sounds good and means No BFS and gagging Mr Sullivan for 99% of fans then

Time will tell but for the moment I will remain cynical unfortunately as the New Project gets under way.

Monday 17 May 2010


An Open letter to the 2 Dave's

The fans appreciate your efforts and commitment to saving the Club from the disastrous Icelandic reign and from the significant threat of relegation and administration.We also accept the necessity of cost cutting measures and player sales as a short term pain for Long Term gain and that to do this you will look for experienced management.

As West Ham fans and wary of the West Ham tradition , we hope and trust you will also understand that the Club MUST have a manager which endorses the "West Ham way" whilst also achieving the objective of solid performances and stable league placings.

However youneed to retain our support too , and you will know that the West Ham fanbase if it turns against you, will be very difficult to win back . For this reason I would urge you not to even contemplate for more than a nano second the appointment of Sam Allardyce.This man's brand of Football will alienate the supporters to whom the Club belongs and will leave you in an untenable situation.


Please add your comments and I will forward onto the Club!

We cannot let this happen!

Nightmare on Green Street!

Welcome to Upton Park, Sam

How does the slogan go for the season ticket sales go, New Hope, new beginnings....Do you know I was almost starting to be taken in by this and then I see what , given Harry Harris's track record of reporting accurately since the start of the 2 Daves era, is undoubtedly the 4 man shortlist for the New managers job....Grant, Jones, Holloway and BFS.

Avram Grant, would be a popular choice amongst alot of us , although I still can't convince myself whether this is itself misguided, given his two league wins since the turn of the year and a relatively comfortable path to a Wembley final.Has he got the experience of buying and selling that we need to assist us on all fronts though?I dont think so

However to have Holloway,Jones and Allardyce on that list is a disgrace.

We get rid of the inexperienced Premier League Manager Zola then and appoint Holloway and /or Jones then who have vast experience of managing in the Top flight !This strikes of desperation. Although i have nothing against either guy they are not what is needed at this time.Jones has developed a good side at Cardiff on limited resources and may be able to spot a good Championship player but is this going to move us forward?Holloway?Great Post match conferences but didnt set the world on fire at QPR,Plymouth or leicester did he ?

Allardyce, well what I can say.Big Fat Benni wont be the only one choking on his cornflakes(or rather large fry up)when he reads in his morning paper that BFS is lined up to be the new saviour of our club. With his brand of stylish attacking football and liking for skilful technical players we are in for a treat next season if BFS gets the job!I would recommend however that anyone with Lower tier seats in the stadium relocate to the Upper tier seats so as to assist with their view of the exciting aerial battles which our 7ft 4inch basketball playing footballers try to win before kicking back up in the air further down the pitch!

If the 2 Daves really believe that this move would see anything other than reduced crowds and mass disgruntlement then they really havent judged the mood of the fans at all.

So who else, If Bilic and Hughes are ruled out on wage and transfer fund fronts? Well Sven will need a job after the world Cup and we could do alot worse than martin jol.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


Would you work for this man?

Whilst firmly in the Zola out camp for the reasons previously cited,the press reports circulating about the manner of his departure leave a bad stain on the integrity of our club and our joint chairman.

To send in their henchwoman Brady to fire the bullet and not even have the respect and decency to do the dirty deed themselves combined with the reports that Zola has been fired for Breach of contract for responding to Sullivans outbursts is all very disappointing.

Zola deserves the respect that his own respectful nature warrants.Despite his ineptitude he has undoubtedly tried his best and acted admirably under extreme pressure and provocation it could be argued.He certainly warrants being told face to face.

To go down the breach of Contract route is also very disappointing.Although not knowing the finer details to comment knowlegeably I find it very hard to comprehend that his media response to our Mr "rent a quote" can constitute a fundamental breach.
The lack of any response speaks volumes and disappoints me from Mr Gold who I held as a pretty rightious and moralled individual.

If Mr Gold and Mr Sullivan think this sort of behaviour of undermining a manager with outlandish comments re performances and player comings and goings is going to attract a Top Manager, Im afriad they are badly mistaken.

Whilst Avram Grant maybe the right choice, the fact he is the only manager who has had to put up with worse this season is probably one of the reasons the job appeals to him!