Tuesday 27 April 2010


It appears that Mr Sullivan has suffered from the Old FIM syndrome once again , with headlines in the sun suggesting he was willing to listen to offers for all of our players with the exception of Scott Parker.Whilst even the most ardent of our supporters will have felt and concurred with these sentiments at times since the turn of the year, the comments do nothing for the stability and unity of the club.

Whilst no one would doubt that alot of players could and should be moved on to enable us to trade and improve for next season, to make comments which give the Red Top press a field day is unnecessary and somewhat naive , once again leaving the senior and more diplomatic of the two David's in a position where he will have to come out and make comments to the contrary. Mr Sullivan appeared to have been in self imposed press exile since the earlier attack on the players but could not resist the temptation to have a further "pop" after safety had been secured.

The matter will clearly annoy and destabilise GZ and SC even further but do we really want to invite offers or destabilise the likes of Cole, Green,Noble, Collison,Parker,Upson Diamanti ,Tomkins and Hines who one may expect the club would prefer to hang onto for next season.

Additonally the Dorrans bid.... Was this led and orchestrated by GZ? If not he is surely being further undermined by player bids led by a chairman and his favourite agent , Barry Silkman which neither the existing or a future managerial appointment may approve of(although i must say Dorrans is a cracking player).

Time to firmly take him and keep him under your wing Mr Gold before he does untold damage.We respect his right of opinion having spent so much to save our beloved club but his bull in a china shop approach is threatening to create more problems than it solves.

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