Monday 26 April 2010

Should I stay or should I go now?

Let's look at the pro's and cons of keeping our current Management Team;-


-Continuity-not many sides who change their management teams frequently, achieve success

-Player Support-It is clear that GZ retains considerable support among the players with Parker, Cole ,Upson and Noble expressing support for the beleagured Italian over recent weeks.

-Shown durability- In a season when decisions have been taken above his head, sales of Bellamy,Cole and Collins in particular, he has in the main stayed strong publicly.

-Finance- Cost of getting rid of the pair is estimated at £8m at a time when the club is on his knees financially.Do the costs outweigh the benefits of change however.I think not.


- Too nice - As Gareth Southgate and several other media friendly ex footballers have proved, nice guys rarely make good managers. Ferguson, Stein, Clough werent/arent media friendly individuals and it hasnt hurt them.

-Tactically Inept - Playing right sided players at LB and LM; playing Left sided midfielders in RM;failure to use width;changes for changes sake;failure to use pace;lying down and dying for big matches are just a few of the errors made.There
were several times during some of our poorer displays , where Zola has proved unable to change tactics or see the error of his ways

-Uninspirational -May be a good training ground coach but on matchdays he appears motionless and clueless in his dugout, as surprisngly does Clarke.They have failed to motivate performances and results on a consistent basis despite the apparant support of the players.Id rather the players respect rather than like the boss and be able to perform when it matters.

-Lost support of the Fans- Appears to be a growing tide given the ineptitude over recent months that a change is needed to take the club forward.I fear keeping him and a bad start to next year will immediately see him ousted.

So, weighing up the pros and cons,it is diffcult to support his tenure continuing.

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