Tuesday 11 May 2010


Zola in slightly happier times(with Hair)

The decision which was inevitably made weeks ago has now been made public.Elements of the press are coming out with how disgraceful his sacking was/is but with a win rate, the worst in West Ham history of 29% and a woeful points tally,when you look past the "Nice man" tag it has been very clear to most of our fanbase for some time he was out of his depth.Players played out of form and out of position,bizarre tactics and an inability to motivate, use substitutions effectively or have a Plan B were all major failings week in , week out. His supporters point to being forced into selling players and behind the scenes happenings but lets not forget,experienced stars and internationals likes Cole , Green, Upson, Parker , Behrami , Faubert and franco have been regular starters and would have walked into several of our rival clubs.Yet, they still managed to pick up more points with inferior squads.

The employment of Clarke was designed to take pressure and much needed experience for Zola, but he too has disappointed and apart from one outburst after Bolton away this season of being here to take the pressure off of Zola he has been notably camera and media shy,leaving it to the increasingly morose Little Italian to handle.For now Clarke remains.

An injection of life and positivity is desperately needed.


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