Tuesday 15 June 2010

Riquelme, now there is a West Ham Player...........

Ok , its silly season but my heart tells me their may just be a shred of truth in this especially if the comments attributed to his agent , good Old , Bazzer McIntosh, that great Argentinian agent,who talks of his clients desire to play in the same starting XI as Johnny Spector.Ok well not quite but he has to come up with something other than the boat loads of cash we are probably throwing in his direction.

Would be an inspired signing and the type of marque signing I would rathe rhave than Henry, Pires(cant belieive Ive said that) or RVN.

Come on Dave's snap him up.

Saturday 22 May 2010


I started supporting West Ham as a boy watching my french hero Samassi Abou play at the Boleyn


Little Dave is now mouthing off about bringing the ageing Henry to the Club.Yes Terry Henry who has won almost every honour in the game and who has been eyeing a move to the footballing backwater of Super Johnnys homeland to see out his retirement. So what would be his motivation to play for us? His daughter lives in london and its quite near his french spiritual home or the fact that he supported West Ham as a boy and has always wanted to wear the Claret and Blue shirt.

I dont want the ageing old Superstars like this who have limited motivation to perform.Havent we been bitten enough by these... Llungberg ,Suker and Wright spring to mind.None of these showed anything for us apart from the odd moment.We need to go for the players looking to step up and who see West Ham as their chance to make a name.Whether he sees this marquee signing as being the one to set the tillrolls into overdrive I dont know but he's got it wrong for me and is insulting our intelligence.

Cant you just let a Manager manage Little Dave and how does this fit into your 10 point plan , of hungry players and reducing the debt when we are talking 75k a week.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Spector.... He says YES!

Breaking News on Sky Sports that USA "utility" player Jonny Spector is Keen to extend his stay at the Boleyn is greeted with signs of relief and pure emotion as Crowds gathered at the Ground

Seriously Jon,how deluded are you mate. Why on earth would the club want to retain your services.

Answers on a postcard

Tuesday 18 May 2010


Mido confirms himself as One of the Clubs hungry New players under the 2 Dave's 10 point Plan, as he tucks into his Chadwell Heath breakfast

So the Dave's have announced a 10 Point plan as follows

Appoint the right manager -so that must definately rule out BFS.On the Official site it critically says this manager must have the necessary experience to deliver good football, so it is hard to argue how Allardyce could possibly fit this criteria.Having watched his teams destroy the art of football over the years ,I struggle to see how anyone could argue that he produces teams who play "good football" with his Long ball bastardisation of our great game. He would seriously challenge my Love for the club if he were to take charge and I dont believe I am alone on that front.

Sign new players who are hungry so that must definately rule out an ageing last pay day player like Sidney Gouvou.Good job they didnt announce this before signing McCarthy and Mido as we could only had taken this literally as these two fat boys tucked in at Chadwell Heath canteen to cakes and pies cos they certainly werent hungry toimprove our squad with footballing ability.Infact both were a disgrace to the cause.

More investment in the Academy -sounds good and is essential.

Continue to clear the debt -again an essential prerequisite

Freeze season ticket prices for renewals -after this season rightly so

Build the status and image of the club -oh good , so no more outrageous media comments Mr Sullivan or shabby treatment of sacked managers

Make it enjoyable to come to watch matches -not interested in half time shoot outs , although dont mind the Hammerettes but lets focus on entertainement coming principally from the team for a change

Get closer to the local community-makes sense

Go for the Olympic Stadium -makes sense

Listen to supporters -sounds good and means No BFS and gagging Mr Sullivan for 99% of fans then

Time will tell but for the moment I will remain cynical unfortunately as the New Project gets under way.

Monday 17 May 2010


An Open letter to the 2 Dave's

The fans appreciate your efforts and commitment to saving the Club from the disastrous Icelandic reign and from the significant threat of relegation and administration.We also accept the necessity of cost cutting measures and player sales as a short term pain for Long Term gain and that to do this you will look for experienced management.

As West Ham fans and wary of the West Ham tradition , we hope and trust you will also understand that the Club MUST have a manager which endorses the "West Ham way" whilst also achieving the objective of solid performances and stable league placings.

However youneed to retain our support too , and you will know that the West Ham fanbase if it turns against you, will be very difficult to win back . For this reason I would urge you not to even contemplate for more than a nano second the appointment of Sam Allardyce.This man's brand of Football will alienate the supporters to whom the Club belongs and will leave you in an untenable situation.


Please add your comments and I will forward onto the Club!

We cannot let this happen!

Nightmare on Green Street!

Welcome to Upton Park, Sam

How does the slogan go for the season ticket sales go, New Hope, new beginnings....Do you know I was almost starting to be taken in by this and then I see what , given Harry Harris's track record of reporting accurately since the start of the 2 Daves era, is undoubtedly the 4 man shortlist for the New managers job....Grant, Jones, Holloway and BFS.

Avram Grant, would be a popular choice amongst alot of us , although I still can't convince myself whether this is itself misguided, given his two league wins since the turn of the year and a relatively comfortable path to a Wembley final.Has he got the experience of buying and selling that we need to assist us on all fronts though?I dont think so

However to have Holloway,Jones and Allardyce on that list is a disgrace.

We get rid of the inexperienced Premier League Manager Zola then and appoint Holloway and /or Jones then who have vast experience of managing in the Top flight !This strikes of desperation. Although i have nothing against either guy they are not what is needed at this time.Jones has developed a good side at Cardiff on limited resources and may be able to spot a good Championship player but is this going to move us forward?Holloway?Great Post match conferences but didnt set the world on fire at QPR,Plymouth or leicester did he ?

Allardyce, well what I can say.Big Fat Benni wont be the only one choking on his cornflakes(or rather large fry up)when he reads in his morning paper that BFS is lined up to be the new saviour of our club. With his brand of stylish attacking football and liking for skilful technical players we are in for a treat next season if BFS gets the job!I would recommend however that anyone with Lower tier seats in the stadium relocate to the Upper tier seats so as to assist with their view of the exciting aerial battles which our 7ft 4inch basketball playing footballers try to win before kicking back up in the air further down the pitch!

If the 2 Daves really believe that this move would see anything other than reduced crowds and mass disgruntlement then they really havent judged the mood of the fans at all.

So who else, If Bilic and Hughes are ruled out on wage and transfer fund fronts? Well Sven will need a job after the world Cup and we could do alot worse than martin jol.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


Would you work for this man?

Whilst firmly in the Zola out camp for the reasons previously cited,the press reports circulating about the manner of his departure leave a bad stain on the integrity of our club and our joint chairman.

To send in their henchwoman Brady to fire the bullet and not even have the respect and decency to do the dirty deed themselves combined with the reports that Zola has been fired for Breach of contract for responding to Sullivans outbursts is all very disappointing.

Zola deserves the respect that his own respectful nature warrants.Despite his ineptitude he has undoubtedly tried his best and acted admirably under extreme pressure and provocation it could be argued.He certainly warrants being told face to face.

To go down the breach of Contract route is also very disappointing.Although not knowing the finer details to comment knowlegeably I find it very hard to comprehend that his media response to our Mr "rent a quote" can constitute a fundamental breach.
The lack of any response speaks volumes and disappoints me from Mr Gold who I held as a pretty rightious and moralled individual.

If Mr Gold and Mr Sullivan think this sort of behaviour of undermining a manager with outlandish comments re performances and player comings and goings is going to attract a Top Manager, Im afriad they are badly mistaken.

Whilst Avram Grant maybe the right choice, the fact he is the only manager who has had to put up with worse this season is probably one of the reasons the job appeals to him!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

So, who is Next.....?(POLL)

Top four contenders would appear to be Jol,Grant, Hughes and Bilic. Any of these would be an improvement on what we had.

Vote for yourself on the LHS as to who you would prefer


Zola in slightly happier times(with Hair)

The decision which was inevitably made weeks ago has now been made public.Elements of the press are coming out with how disgraceful his sacking was/is but with a win rate, the worst in West Ham history of 29% and a woeful points tally,when you look past the "Nice man" tag it has been very clear to most of our fanbase for some time he was out of his depth.Players played out of form and out of position,bizarre tactics and an inability to motivate, use substitutions effectively or have a Plan B were all major failings week in , week out. His supporters point to being forced into selling players and behind the scenes happenings but lets not forget,experienced stars and internationals likes Cole , Green, Upson, Parker , Behrami , Faubert and franco have been regular starters and would have walked into several of our rival clubs.Yet, they still managed to pick up more points with inferior squads.

The employment of Clarke was designed to take pressure and much needed experience for Zola, but he too has disappointed and apart from one outburst after Bolton away this season of being here to take the pressure off of Zola he has been notably camera and media shy,leaving it to the increasingly morose Little Italian to handle.For now Clarke remains.

An injection of life and positivity is desperately needed.


Monday 10 May 2010

Robert Green- I'm a Happy Hammer

Robert Green answers a quiz question on the number of away points gained this season

Whilst are beloved inspirational Skipper has come out with a non commital Thankyou statement on the Official site, our England stopper has been more forthcoming in his desire to stay.“I am a happy Hammer and I want to stay here but I don't want a repeat of this season,” Hopefully this is asign that Green will still be in possession of the Keepers jersey next term and will receive some quality back up and a full time keeping coach once Kevin Hitchcock departs.

Super Johnny Spector-The West Ham fallguy?

Zola learns he has selected John Spector at Left Back rather than the ageing Music mogul Phil of the same name.

He's played Left back, Right back, central defence and in midfield for us and I can only assume the only reason he's not had an emergency stint upfront for us , is the goalscoring prowess of our forwards(or alternatively that we prefer Manuel Da Costa in that role)

Frighteningly, the limited Spector has made his most ever starts, 24 in total ,this term, depriving it would seem the promising Spence and Daprela from gaining valuable first team experience.He could not be accused of lacking effort but the lack of ability at premiership level is there for all to see and he has cost us points in several matches this season.Infact it is mind boggling how Pardew, Curbishley and Zola have all been prepared to turn to our American utility man on several occasions, such that he is closing in on his 100th appearance for us!Spector is one of those players who as a fan you think if you could match his effort and fitness levels you would be worth your place in the team at his expense such that My 11 year old has had his eyes on that left back spot over recent weeks.

He may only be 24 and about to appear in the World Cup but this £20k a week , Out of Contract Hammer is not one I will be keeping my fingers crossed is on Gold and Sullivans retained list.

Or am I doing him a dis-service

Farewell Super John!

West Ham Ratings v Man City 09/05/10


Solid performance from the stopper who's form has improved dramatically over recent weeks.Several routine saves and a good stop from Adebayor.Not at fault for SWP's goal


steady performance from Faubert. Positioning could be questioned for SWP's free header but otherwise stable in defence and took up some decent positions further forward.


A Left footed left back , surely not.Comfortable on the ball, with good distribution,he had his work cut out in the first 45mins with Johnson but stuck to the task and grew in confidence during the game.


Not overly tested on the day by the pedestrian Santa Cruz and disinterested Adebayor but dealt comfortably with the threats that came his way ,including a good interception to stop Johnson in the box.


Again realtively untested during the match but dealt comfortably with the attackers during the match


A good showing from our right sided left footed midfielder who played a sublime ball through for LBM to score , had a right footed shot saved by Fulop and when given time showed his undoubted quality on the ball


Parker did what Parker does, drove the team forward, harrassed and tackled and tried to drag the match out of its testimonial feel on several ocassions.


Effective without being anymore than average.Poor in possession


The "Ive seen Boa score" tshirts than the away fans at Wigan wore fro m the Great Escape season will now not be such a limited edition. Unusually composed finish from the rash LBM.Put in a good shift but for 70k a week , we should be entitled to expect that.


Quiet day for the deep lying striker who fails to link up well with Cole.


Frustrating afternoon for our target man who cut a frustrated and forlorn figure for much of the game.Certainly not the player of 2008-2009 , although that label can be attached to a few.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Tevez on way back to the Boleyn?

With Rumours of Tevez becoming increasingly unsettled at Middle Eastlands over recent weeks,Mancini indicating he can leave and G & S indicating a willingness to dip into their pockets for Quality players is a return for the Little man on the cards. They have by their bids for RVN and Robbie Keane shown a desire to pay marquee wages for marque players although whether theyd be prepared to stump up the fee than Carols would demand is another question.Cant see it somehow

In the meantime, we can but dream.

One Carlos tevez.......

Wednesday 28 April 2010


Jason Burt, who has a good handle on West Ham is reporting today in the Telegraph;-
Interest In Argentine striker- Mauro Bosseli
Diamanti -first out the door.
Franco contract not to be renewed
O Hara for Upson ot Tomkins(!!)
Improved bid for Dorrans

The Daily Mail is reporting interest in Whittingham and Eagles.

Cant say Im impressed with Sullivan potentially allowing the likes of Diamanti, Franco and Tomkins to go because he;s not been impressed by them and how many central midfielders do we need to buy!!!!


courtesy of Skybet

1. S McClaren 4/6
2. Hoddle G 3/1
3. Curbishley A 8/1
4. Bilic S 8/1
5. Grant A 8/1
6. Pardew A 10/1
7. Hughes M 12/1
8. Jewell P 14/1
9. Souness G 20/1
10. Venables T 20/1
11. Coppell S 20/1
12. O'Leary D 25/1
13. Brooking T 33/1
14. Southgate G 33/1
15. Rijkaard F 33/1
16. Shearer A 40/1
17. Eriksson S 40/1
18. Jol M 50/1
19. Houllier G 50/1
20. Ince P 50/1
21. Gullitt R 66/1
22. Adams T 66/1
23. Wise D 100/1
24. Mourinho J 100/1
25. Sheringham T 100/1

Where do they get some of these from.....

Dennis Wise, Teddy Sheringham, Gerard Houllier,Tony Adam, Judas, Gareth Southgate, Alan Shearer and Paul Jewell. Rather keep our little Italian than end up with any of those jokers.

Oh yes , Mourinho and Rijkaard, nice thought but cant see it...


No one disputes the influx of new blood which is needed to enable us to compete next season but which positions need strengthening based on our 2009-2010 performance.


We have been very fortunate that Green has consistently remained fit over the last three seasons because the cover of Walker, Lastuvka and this season Kurucz
and Stech has fallen well short of the mark.The move for Kelvin Davis in the summer would have given us some back up quality and experience that we should have and this will be a key role for the new goalkeeping coach to remedy.


Despite Faubert being a solid performer this year , he is not an out and out right back and has frequently been caught out by the better sides. We have certainly missed Lucas Neill and a move for Luke Young or similar who can actually play RB and LB (unlike Spector who cant paly either) would be a shrewd move.


Despite decent performances from Tomkins and Da Costa there is a clear need for a solid Centre back in the James Collins mould to build a solid partnership with Upson. These are the foundations ,good teams are built on.


There has been a dearth of quality , which is why for me Diamanti in patches has been a shining light.To establish ourselves in mid table we will need to add that bit of creativity that a Dorrans would give us , altohugh I wouldnt be surprised to see a South American attempting to fill this NO 10 role.


This has sadly been missing and I have yearned for the days of Etherington charging down the left.With the exception of the talented but confidence lacking Stanislas we have no one capable of knocking the ball past a defender and getting some crosses in for the likes of Cole. No defender likes running back to his own goal to defend
and our attacking style has made it for too easy for too many opponents this season particularly away from the Boleyn.


As much as I like, and am frustrated by Cole ,in equal measure we need a goalscorer, as daft as it sounds to put away those penalty box chances. Cole deosnt get himself in the right position to convert enough of these.When Coles out we have no one else to do this as this season has proved(save for Ilan in the last handful of games)

Tuesday 27 April 2010


It appears that Mr Sullivan has suffered from the Old FIM syndrome once again , with headlines in the sun suggesting he was willing to listen to offers for all of our players with the exception of Scott Parker.Whilst even the most ardent of our supporters will have felt and concurred with these sentiments at times since the turn of the year, the comments do nothing for the stability and unity of the club.

Whilst no one would doubt that alot of players could and should be moved on to enable us to trade and improve for next season, to make comments which give the Red Top press a field day is unnecessary and somewhat naive , once again leaving the senior and more diplomatic of the two David's in a position where he will have to come out and make comments to the contrary. Mr Sullivan appeared to have been in self imposed press exile since the earlier attack on the players but could not resist the temptation to have a further "pop" after safety had been secured.

The matter will clearly annoy and destabilise GZ and SC even further but do we really want to invite offers or destabilise the likes of Cole, Green,Noble, Collison,Parker,Upson Diamanti ,Tomkins and Hines who one may expect the club would prefer to hang onto for next season.

Additonally the Dorrans bid.... Was this led and orchestrated by GZ? If not he is surely being further undermined by player bids led by a chairman and his favourite agent , Barry Silkman which neither the existing or a future managerial appointment may approve of(although i must say Dorrans is a cracking player).

Time to firmly take him and keep him under your wing Mr Gold before he does untold damage.We respect his right of opinion having spent so much to save our beloved club but his bull in a china shop approach is threatening to create more problems than it solves.


News that the club have made a £4million bid for West Brom's hugely talented Scottish International,Graham Dorrans, is an impressive signal of Intent by the Davids and an indication that they are looking to up and coming talent rather than seasoned professionals after a final payday.Dorrans has been hugely instrumental in West Brom successful promotion campaign.

Whether we can persuade West Brom to part with their prize asset is another question but this type of target can only reap dividends for the club in the long run.


Full name Graham Dorrans
Date of birth 5 May 1987 (1987-05-05) (age 22)
Place of birth Glasgow, Scotland
Height 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in)

Playing position Midfielder

Club information

Current club West Bromwich Albion
Number 17

Senior career*
Years Team Apps† (Gls)†
2003–2008 Livingston 77 (16)
2005 → Partick Thistle (loan) 15 (5)
2008– West Bromwich Albion 52 (12)

National team‡
2007 Scotland U20 5 (0)
2008 Scotland U21 5 (0)
2009– Scotland 3 (0)


In 2010 it was rumoured that Manchester City,Everton and Villa had shown interest in making bids for Dorrans in the transfer window

Scored a particularly notable 30 yard free kick against Preston North End on 21 March.

Dorrans was then named PFA fans' Championship player of the month for March 2010, following his impressive performances.

Top scorer in 2009-2010 with 17 goals , including 5 Cup goals.

Named in 2009-2010 PFA Championship XI

Monday 26 April 2010

Should I stay or should I go now?

Let's look at the pro's and cons of keeping our current Management Team;-


-Continuity-not many sides who change their management teams frequently, achieve success

-Player Support-It is clear that GZ retains considerable support among the players with Parker, Cole ,Upson and Noble expressing support for the beleagured Italian over recent weeks.

-Shown durability- In a season when decisions have been taken above his head, sales of Bellamy,Cole and Collins in particular, he has in the main stayed strong publicly.

-Finance- Cost of getting rid of the pair is estimated at £8m at a time when the club is on his knees financially.Do the costs outweigh the benefits of change however.I think not.


- Too nice - As Gareth Southgate and several other media friendly ex footballers have proved, nice guys rarely make good managers. Ferguson, Stein, Clough werent/arent media friendly individuals and it hasnt hurt them.

-Tactically Inept - Playing right sided players at LB and LM; playing Left sided midfielders in RM;failure to use width;changes for changes sake;failure to use pace;lying down and dying for big matches are just a few of the errors made.There
were several times during some of our poorer displays , where Zola has proved unable to change tactics or see the error of his ways

-Uninspirational -May be a good training ground coach but on matchdays he appears motionless and clueless in his dugout, as surprisngly does Clarke.They have failed to motivate performances and results on a consistent basis despite the apparant support of the players.Id rather the players respect rather than like the boss and be able to perform when it matters.

-Lost support of the Fans- Appears to be a growing tide given the ineptitude over recent months that a change is needed to take the club forward.I fear keeping him and a bad start to next year will immediately see him ousted.

So, weighing up the pros and cons,it is diffcult to support his tenure continuing.

Sunday 25 April 2010


After the joy felt by most of us in retaining our premiership status with a nervy win over another struggling premiership side , we return to the stark reality of our current situation.

Around a £100 million in debt and with a squad requiring significant investment following Duxburys failed project regime to prevent us suffering a similar fate next season, some big decisions are needed from Gold and Sullivan.These centre principally around Team Management ,our future Transfer policy and Funds to be made available in the Summer:-


Whilst most fans are appreciative of the constraints that Zola and Clarke have had to work with, the growing view appears to be that he is not the Man for the job. Saved from Media ridicule by his "nice guy" status, Zola has shown himself to be inept with both his squad selection, tactics and ability to motivate the players on several occassions this season.Gold, interviewed on Talksport earlier indicated that Zola had succeeded in achieving the brief they gave him on taking control of the club when they took over and said he deserved a chance , although the fact that there was no comment with respect to Zola staying , probably said more. David Gold would appear to be the calmer of the our two chairman whilst David Sullivan is more emotional in his response.Putting emotion and what anice man Zola is to one side though, the question is can he take us forward as a club next season. For me the answer is No and therefore a replacement must be brought in


Given the investment made by the two Davids already and Mr Golds statement on Talksport that the aim next season was mid table medicority, it is clear that funding will be made available to the manager, although dont expect the outrageous spending of the Icelandic regime which threatend our very survival.

Indications are that their will be funds to reinvest from the sale of 31 Yr Old Upson who is out of contract at the end of next season and possibly Robert Green
and the over rated Behrami.The Swiss International has an excellent "engine" but his ability on the ball is unfortunately nothing better than average. With upwards of £20 million for these three and some additonal funding this could release in the region of £30 million to the new Manager.


The way forward must be similar to that adopted by Gold and Sullivan previously and that is to look for hidden gems abroad and promsing Championship players to augment our own Youth policy and a core solid spine.

At Birmingham, they often raided the likes of Arsenal for young talent like Larsson, Muemba and earlier Pennant and Upson.From the Championship came Cameron Jerome, Scott Dann and Roger Johnson at small sums who have all established themselves as decent Premier League performers or gone onto other things.All players at a decent age who will if necessary have a greater sell on and not command ridiculous wages of the Dyers of this world which have nearly crippled us.Players who will not see West Ham as another pay day but as their big move and the chance to establish themsleves in the Top league. The likes of Middlesbroughs David Wheater and Cardiffs Joe Ledley spring to mind.

Whatever happens it's going to be an interesting few weeks at the Boelyn.


Peter Reid linked to Hotseat!

NOTW Indicating today that the ex Man City and Sunderland manager is a strong contender for the role.

Dont think any of us saw that one coming .Let's just hope its pure gutter press nonsense although it has got Rob Shepherds name to it , who is ,if you believe him , close towhats going on at UP.

Saturday 24 April 2010

ZOLA- The Post Wigan reaction

"It was a difficult game because there was a lot of pressure and the boys gave everything and got the three points and it shows everybody how much they care about this team," said Zola.


"I think Scott Parker deserved to score the winner. He is an inspirational player for us and he makes a difference when he is on the pitch.

"He is committed to this club and his attitude is excellent. I am impressed with his performance, but I was happy with everybody."


"It has been a tough season so we are not going to stop until we are sure that we are going to stay up,"

"I am delighted for the supporters as they have been behind us all the time, and at times it was difficult.

"Those are the moments when you need to stick together and it has worked for us."

FT: West Ham 3 Wigan 2


Barring 9 points from 3 matches for Burnley we are safe.

How Ironic that Parker should be our saviour after carrying the side this season single handedly.

Friday 23 April 2010

It's Official -HOTY Poll now open

Is there anything more certain, apart from Zola's exit,than Scotty winning this?Surely not!Infact my Votes are on him for 2nd and 3rd place and Young Hammer of the Year!

My vote for best goal went to Ilan, best performance to Zavon v Villa.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

We could in theory be safe come Saturday

If and its a big If we can somehow claim the points against Wigan on Saturday and
Hull lose to or only draw against Sunderland , we could with our Goal difference be virtually safe with a 34 miserly points. Shouldnt stop the repurcussions that need to follow but thank God for three worse sides than our pathetic shower .



After Mondays quite abysmal showing it seems impossible that the Chelsea Old boys will remain in charge next season , regardless of what division we find ourselves in!

Several names are being bandied around...Martin Jol, Steve Mclaren, Glenn Hoddle,Avram Grant and Alan Pardew are the names around which most press speculation is currently based.Prior to this Slaven Bilic and Mark Hughes were mentioned.

One things for sure, whoever inherits the squad has a hell of a task in front of them
to take the club forward now that Scott Duxbury's "Project" reaches its final chapter.

My choice would be Martin Jol.Why? He commands respect, has a good track record at T******** ,Hamburg and Ajax and a good knoweldge of the talents in European football.

Things can only get better, surely.